Print Management Information System

Print Management Information Systems, a success story. Western Print and Label move to the cloud

For 43 years Western Print and Label have been meeting the needs of their customers, providing specialist label printing from Winnipeg MN, Canada.

The business was started by a father and son team, Stan and Al Blower, in 1972, but is now run by younger son, John. John has a real passion for producing custom labels to meet his customer’s specific needs. These days Western Print and Label are primarily a digital print business. They produce a wide range of products, including retail, medical, pharmaceutical, and UV, weather and cold resistant labels, as well as many other specialist label products.

John’s other passion is the Winnipeg Jetts, the local ice hockey team, who play in the Central Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League. The 2017/18 season was the Jetts best ever advancing into the play off finals of the Western Conference.

Now with a plan in place for the next generational handover to his sons, Ches and Kellen, John knew it was time to get the business management processes streamlined. So, he looked around for the best accounting and Print MIS software to help enable a smooth transition. John settled on Quick Books for the accounting solution and Hexicom Software’s ePrint MIS system for the print estimating and print management information system.

How did the print management information system help?

One of the advantages of the Hexicom system is that being a cloud solution John can work from home when it suits him, keeping an eye on the progress of jobs from afar and producing print and label estimates for customers without having to go to the office every day. Another advantage is that ePrint MIS is flexible in the way it enables John to build his print quotes, adding as many different production processes as he needs, ensuring every aspect of the job is included and costed. Once the job is finished John can move the data to Quick Books and manage his accounting processes without doing any manual data entry.

Why do you need a print management information system?

Many of your competitors are already adding automation to their business software portfolio to allow them to onboard and produce jobs more efficiently. This gives them an advantage at several levels. A good Print MIS program offers insight into the jobs that are onboarded, where each job is in production, what jobs are experiencing delays, job costs, and ultimately a view of the revenue. Most can generate e-tickets for job tracking, and even track waste data. Most importantly, a Print MIS becomes the system of record for all jobs, which means if job specifications change during job execution, the information is entered into the Print MIS and available to all departments immediately.

Our clients have found awesome success with our services, so come contact Hexicom software and find out how a print management software can benefit you as well!

“Working with Hexicom has been a great experience, they have taken me through the set up process step by step and assisted us to understand the workflow so we can now run our label and print business online“ says John.

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